Thursday, July 26, 2007

C.B. lubbock

at the park today i got to be part of 2 conversations. i spoke to one man with a dog. he wasnt ready yet, but maybe someday his heart will be open to father. my pr partner andi also ran into 2 chess players from yesterday. we and one other form out group each played a round with the pro while the other 2 spoke to his friend. they asked if we were coming back tomorrow. ill definitely be pring for these men. today was blessed and tomorrow will be even better. but only something really great would make me laugh harder than my great fall.

K.H. wichita falls

today was awesome, we bagan sowing after yesterdays plowing and found the soil was pretty hard. we talked to many people and all werent religious but A, my pr partner and i were very comforted by just sowing today. please pr for the young girls, K and K the united kindgome B. and S. the girls M. P. and E. that they will want to shope with us later this week, that B's heart will be softened to any religious conversation and her friends baby A. andy lastly the group of 4 germans we played football with (that they will come back tomorrow) ask father to eat at their hearts with the small bit they heard about him today.

L.C. henderson

hello, hello, all is well. pr walkind today was amazing. we met those two older men and played them in chess. i lost terribly but we were able to share with them and because of their curiosity we are going to meet up for more descusion and more of me losing at chess. ive been given the opportunity to tlak with many people and learn their beliefs. some were more positive than others. continue to pr fo rme as i am doing what father has called me to do. love always.

T.B. grandview

today went great. i sort of went in with high expectations which isnt a good idea but i was pleasantly surprised with how good things went. i got to talk to a few very nice people. i know that doesnt sound extraordinary, but its a start. its a step closer to growing the kingdom hopefully.

K.W. wichita falls

hey mom and dad and kristen. today was so much fun. it was our first day to meet people and try to start conversations. me and K, a girl in my group, met this one lady who said that she was agnostic, so we told her about our belief but she wasnt very responsive. at first i got down on myself, but then i realized that maybe father used us in a way that we cant see. well i love you all very much im having a great time.

C.B. hot springs, AZ

today was fun, we spent the day walking the park and waiting for the time to talk to someone, me and another team member got a chance to talk to a woman and her little girl, (so cute). she wasnt into any kind of religion. it was ok though . all in all, good day. fare thee well

R.L. west columbia

had many conversations today. talked for 2 hours with a group of turkish students. im tired and homesick. kisss eli and mia for me. pr for rest, wisdom, and endurance

E.B. new weverly

well today i stepped out of my box and talked to about 7 differennt people and just go to know them. one guy was really cool, he opened up right away to us but another guy was the total opposite. but we pr ed that father would do great things in his life also that the seed was planted

A.D.V. big lake

today we finally got to talk to people. at first i was a little nervous but it got a lot better. things went really good and we are planting lots of seeds.

C.D. dickinson

today when we pr walked and we ran into tons of people and loved sharing the word. we ran into some chess players in the park and we talked about father to them and theyn asked us to come back tomorrow so we can keep talking to them. father is awesome.