Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Hi! Today has been amazing! I'm still trying to get used to the time change,(7 hours later) but overall things are great! Pretty much all day today we prayer walked. I was nervous about this at first, but it went by so fast! It was a really neat way to experience God, and he spoke to me and k.h. about people working at the bathroom. It sounds silly, but God really put them on our hearts. Pray for them.


Prayer was definitely the key focus today and I can't even describe the new revalations on prayer i have had. The entire day was devoted to prayer walking and its impotance and wow... its amazing what prayer on sight in sight can do. I also have been very humbled by everything here. I have been finding out that i have any control over any life changes here... but i am not here out of sacrifice but obedience. I can't explain in words how God is changing me. Also pray for s. and her son s. we met i the plane going home to india. The realy touched my heart and please pray they have an encounter with me Lord.


Hey everyine! Well today we prayer walked for about 5 hours through this absolutely gorgeous park. It is so captivating to be surrounded by all this beauty that the Lord created I talked to a cuple playing chess and surprisingly enough they spoke English which helped the conversation move along more smoothely and least they are feeding us and the food isn't too bad here. All is well so do not worry, but please pray for me and what i'm trying to accomplish here.


I learned how comletly importent prayer is today. Not that i didn't know it was super importent, it;s just that now i can really see how crucial it is in the christian life especiallu when it comes to the work we are doin. So far i'd say things are going great and the food is pritty good so far.

E.B. new waverly

well today i pr walked for 4 hours. it was hard because of distractions and ive never pr ed this long or much but fahter showed me the way to get through it.


This was our first day on site at our park. Our group split up in pairsto prayer walk switching partners every hour. Prayer walking is not so hard or stressful as it sounds. Once you realize that you are praying to God infront of another person and there is no pressure, the time goes by very fast. I feel a special need to pray for a pair of men i met playing chess. I may not get to talk to them again, but i can always pray for them. This is completly off topic, C to know the igo mascot is a goat this year. farewell till tomorrow.


Today we spent 3 hours in our park walking around and praying for the people and park. Originaly I thought it would be very difficult but it turned out very easy. I can totaly tell this is going to be amazing. I'm so excited about the next few days.


We prayer walked today for hours and let me tell you something, God spoked to me personaly as I prayed for the people in the park here and everysingle little awesome thing. I was so awesome.

KW WICHITA FALLS, TEXAShrs but God just kept laying things an my heart for me to

Hey guys! Today was awsome. We prayer walked in our park for 5hrs and it was amazing. God has really relieved to me just how magestic and powerful he is. I never thaught i would be able to pray for 5hrs but God just kept laying things on my heart for me to say. Well i'm having a great time! I love ya'll bunches!!!


The park we are assigned to is amazing. Flowers and trees everywhere and hundreds of people out enjoying it. We prayer walked for several hours in the park today. Join us in praying for open hearts, multiple sharing opportunities, peace and rest.