Wednesday, July 27, 2005
M.L.P - Seminole,TX
It has been as awesome day. God has blessed the activities of the day. It rained / hailed today. I just ate nuggets and fries!! love!!
M.K.M - Mesquite,TX
God blessed us today by bringing three believers to our group share time. It was such an encouragement to know that there are others in Koln that love Jesus!! Praise him for his goodness, I read this verse this morning - Acts 18:9-10. Do not be afraid, but go on speaking and do not be silent. For I am with you and no one will attack you to harm you, for I have many in this city who are my people.
J.E.L - Texas City,TX
Today, I didnt meet anyone at the university, but i did get closer to the members of my tred. I miss you!! love, jill
A.H - Pampa,TX
Today I went with Hannah and Kalan to watch a rehersal for a play at eh university of Koln. We met one of the girls the day vefore. It is a really neat play with only 5 actors being directed by a british man. The play is in english too. I wish we could have interrupted to ta;lk to them. I love you
A.B - Graham,TX
Today we were having House Church at the university and discussing Acts and what we have been learning in our quiet times. While we were talking three woman walked up and told us they were Christians. They sat down with us and listened as we discussed Acts. They told us that they had a bible study tonight. It was encouraging to see that there are Christians on the campus. It was awesome!! I love you
H.R - College Station,TX
Au Revior Jenny!! Je t'amie!! My Belgian sister and I bid one another farewell; this afternoon, as she will be returning home this evening and we won'e have another chance to see eachother. God has led me to pray for her and I will miss her greatly!! I am dreading returning hom in the event that I forget all that I have learned here in Germany. Pray for peace an discernment in my heart as I prepare to put the learning into action with schoolmates and co-workers. Herzlicheu Gluckwunsch!!
K.S - Dimmitt,TX
Hey yall,
Today was swesome. The theatre group Hannah and I met on Monday had rehersal today and we got to watch them. Please keep on praying and I appricate all yall have done!
Today was swesome. The theatre group Hannah and I met on Monday had rehersal today and we got to watch them. Please keep on praying and I appricate all yall have done!
S.C - Willis,TX
I found out that it can rain in Deutchland. It rained only like 15 min but some trees were split in half and there were a few fire trucks. But anyways, I spoke to my friend and its working slowley. Thats cool though. I also spoke to 3 guys about Hesus which was very awesome! I also talked to a Jewish land. Please cintinue praying for all m;y friends!! God is showing me so much about stuff thats serioulsy changing me. Ich liebe dich!! Jeremiah 1: 6-8
K.M - Brenham,TX
I'm learning this week the amazing power of prayer. It is the most powerful tool we have and often it goes unused. You have to plow before you can plant a physical seed, and you have to pray before you can plant spiritual seeds. I've also been learning that sometimes one person plants and another reaps. It used to bother me so much that I"ve never actually led someone to Christ, but now I relize that without plowing, planting, and watering it is very hard for fruit to grow. Germany is awsome!! Ish liebe dich!!
M.O.J - Hannover- Garland,TX
Shower O heavens from aboce and let the clouds rain down righteousness; let the earth open, that salvation and righteousness may bear fruit; let the earth caouse them both to sprout; I the Lord have created it. - Isaiah 45.8
Today was just incrdibly encouraging and refreshing. I'm falling more in love everyday with my savior.
Today was just incrdibly encouraging and refreshing. I'm falling more in love everyday with my savior.