Friday, July 06, 2007


Hallo! Today was amazing! I talked to two German girls for a long time, and I got to witness to them! They are meeting me again in the park tomorrow. God has been teaching and showing me a lot. I love Köln, Germany’s culture, I’m so living here! Tomorrow is our last day on site, and it is very sad. I don’t want to leave this place. PR that I will be able to get through to those girls w/God’s Word! I love you, see you on Sunday.

AS Fairview, OK

Hallo! Today our team had a great day. At the very beginning two of our girls met two German girls that were around our age. They were able to witness to them and they are meeting tomorrow. Some of the boys met a man and they talked a lot about the culture and stuff. Then some girls talked to a lady, and they are seeing her tomorrow and giving her a German Bible. PR for those people and PR for all the trek groups also. See you soon!

TH Beggs, OK

Today was great! I got to meet one woman and I shared my faith with her and she shared hers with me. Gather did amazing things in our trek and I feel very blessed.

S Broken Arrow, OK

Hello family and friends. God has been teaching me so much throughout the week. Obedience for one, and also to not be afraid because God is love and love casts out fear. Fear comes from the enemy and he’s viewing us as a threat, so he makes us fearful. I made a relationship with two girls today, neither of them knew what Christianity was and they thought it was a cult, so me and savannah told them about Christ and they seemed interested but they changed the subject. Then we asked to meet them tomorrow so PR that they come back. Love you guys and miss ya!


Today went well. I saw my two Turkish friends Anil and Yutun. We played soccer which I hurt my Knee. Then we talked, they gave me their emails and we tried to talk about church and faith but there was a slight language barrier. Hopefully it will be easier on email.

KB Edmond, OK

Today was awesome. The power of PRer was definitely evident. I spent over 4 hours PRing. Just before we made our last lap in the park, Sarah and I talked to a woman named N. It was so great! We’re going to bring her a German Bible tomorrow. I can’t believe this week is almost over. I just might not come home.  Please keep PRing. I love you all, Tchuss!

EGW Blanchard, OK

Guten tag! Today was another awesome day. We went to the park today, again, lol. Ted, our TL, and I talked to a man named Phillipe about so many things. It was a great conversation. We probably raised him from a 4 to a 5 in his view of religion. We also did a lot of PR walking. Please PR that the people in Germany will be receptive to us tomorrow and for the people coming next week. Tchuss! (Bye)

TLH Lexington, OK

Wife “O” Mine and Child “O” Mine, I very much look forward to seeing you guys. God has been good to us again today. Not only did He let us meet a new friend, I also had a Dr. Pepper for supper. For one day that is just about all you can ask for. All you can do is thank God for this day and get after it again tomorrow.

GK Durant, OK

Today was fun! We played soccer with two little boys in the park and it was a blast! One of them was Muslim and the other was catholic. It was a lot of fun!


Today was great just getting to PR for my group and sitting back watching my group be obedient to the Gather. There were many conversations today that ended very good.